Picturing Me

A collaboration of Sarah Sandring with children of Chotian, Punjab, India

Picturing Me is a community art project conducted in 2012 in collaboration with children from the Indian village of Chotian, Punjab. Over a period of two months, Sarah Sandring taught 15 children from different casts, religions and economic backgrounds photography. Together they explored their views on themselves, their families, their community, their future and dreams through photographs and writing. Polaroid cameras were used. Like other villages of its district in Southern Punjab, Chotian is hard-hit by farmers’ suicide due to debt. The photographs of the children, however, show that there is much more to their life than crisis.

In collaboration with the Indian artist Navneet Kaur Jeji and the Baba Nanak Educational Society.

Exhibitions: Chotian, India (2012),  Galerie Saalbau Neukölln (2015), ‘Women and Art’ Nathanael Church (2020), Berlin, Germany.

Project background

Below: Excerpt of photography created by children, age 10-15.
Medium: Instant photography